It is an odd thing, I do admit that. I sit, each day after my obligatory cup of tea and write something in my little (yellow at the moment) notebook. No one else is doing this, only me. It does make me think!
When I was in Cardiff ,a friend asked if all my poetry writing was "just self-indulgence" - I replied (almost) instantly that it was something that I needed to do. Which, now I think of it, is not really a refutation of the criticism implied in his words.
Probably the self-questioning about my writing will continue as long as I write, and will probably be a chunk of the subject matter as well.
There is an element of irony in the title, because, after all, I am doing nothing more than moving a pen around a page and looking at my surroundings with the arrogance of someone who samples what he sees and uses it for what he hopes is a piece of writing which has an element of the "observational acuity" mentioned in the poem! Well, you judge!
Summer struggles to emerge
from hazy skies, and tries to
counter cooling drafts; it’s
almost there, but sitting ‘out’
is still a gesture rather than delight.
I’m the only one in shorts.
And sitting by myself.
Am I involved?
The curl of other people’s smoke
pricks through my space. The kids
run-stitch the patchwork tables
into tapestry. A
single voice strand
wraps with other talk:
the hubbub weft that threads the
warp lines of the soft-crunched, stony earth
beneath the rolling needle-drag of metal boule.
And is all this the
observational acuity
I like to think,
or just an action for my pen
to hide a truth?
I am still working on the poems that will make up the sequence called, The Visit, which I hope to publish as a chapbook. At least the cover is done, now all I have to do is write the introduction! Work progresses!
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