Thursday 29 January 2015



Some words spill beauty well
beyond a dictionary.
Not lav-end-‘er.  Too
bodily and finally, abruptly
some-thing, to enchant.

But scent in sachets.
There’s a word whose sibilance
and sliding sensuality evokes
the world of southern belles
who laughed their way through
pillared mansions white!

And muslin envelopes with ribbon tied
below the question mark, above
the bracket of a silken hanger padded
            An object I remember vividly
though not
                       in time or place

but is

with that vague scratch of scent
made into waves of blue by finger crush –
for lavender is always blue
for me, dilly, dilly, and surely,
comforting, maternity. 

My thinking back demands
acceptance of the cost of
lost: that which has gone. 

Is gone.